Archive by Author

An App for the road

One of my favorite studies on the adoption of iPad/iPhone at home is the “Learning: Is there an App for that?” study by the Cooney Center. As part of that study, is where do parents allow their children use an iPhone. As it turns out, roughly 60% of the respondent says that “In the Car” […]

Should all kids learn a second language?

New York times recently published an article on The Bilingual Advantage. The article sites research that studies the impact of constantly using 2 languages on neurological development. What is surprising isn’t so much that bilingual is a good thing for the brain, but more specifically In terms of monolinguals and bilinguals, the big thing that […]

Introducing 77CARDS!

After months of hard work, our first products, the 77CARDS series of interactive flashcards, came out in the app store late last night! We believe 77CARDS is the best interactive flashcard series targeted at young children out there! 77CARDS came about because we needed a way to teach our own children language, and we feel […]

Two different approaches to designing children’s educational games

By now, I have done a fair bit of research and spoken with numerous people about the philosophy of designing educational childrens games. I have noticed a dichotomy. In general, there are two fundamentally different approaches that game makers take. First, I’ll call it the Educator Approach. This approach starts with defining the learning objective. […]